Free QR Code Generator For Website URL With Logo
QR code generator for website link/URL, Enter URL in the below text box, click Generate QR Code to generate QR Code freely online.
About Link/URL QR Code Generator

Let people reach out to your branded website or social media profiles, Share your website URL easily and quickly using URL/Link QR code generator. This can also play a vital role in brand marketing.
Our Link QR code generator also allows customization. Generate your custom QR code by uploading your logo or by changing background and foreground color.
What is the use of QR Code
QR code is useful in many ways like:
- Provides easy access to information through the phone.
- In Business Card: Embed phone number, website URL and other brand detail in business cards.
- Through Website: Embed social media profiles, phone number and other brand detail in business cards.
- Email signup: Build your subscriber base by having quick links to an email signup box.